As the mother of a teen-aged daughter...which I am, well, not... It pains me to see this week's cover of OK Magazine featuring a creepily-soccer mom looking Jamie Lynn Spears holding her baby exclaiming, "Being a mom is the best feeling in the world!'. Dude, the fact that you're young enough to still go bye your middle name makes it more than a little obvious to me that it's really not the best thing in the world. And on a personal note: Biotch, I'm 22 years old. My uterus already kicks me in the gut every time I see a cute baby on the cover of a magazine- the last thing I need is to have your teeny-bopper ass parading your kid around; the kid you probably "care for" about two hours a day.
1 comment:
I agree, so not OK. Well lets wait for a few months to see how she holds out
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