Dec 26, 2008

Jen Aniston spends X-Mas with her bff, Courtney. You might know her.

Could things be cooling down for Cougar Jennifer Aniston and her boy-toy John Mayer? It's being widely reported that the star of the new hit Marley and Me spent her holiday with bestie Courtney Cox Arquette and her hubby David, while the man with one good song spent his Christmas all they way on the other side of the country. What happened to Jennifer's parents? Siblings? You never hear about her having any family.

Dec 18, 2008

Tom Cruise attempts damage control, fails miserably

Can't he use his creepy Scientology mind-control to see that it isn't going to work...ever? Not only has he come out publicly in the past few weeks saying that he is dunzo with talking about Scientology with in media anymore (yeah. I'm sure that was completely your idea, Tom), but he recently dropped in on Letterman to do some serious damage control and show that he's a "funny guy" who knows how to make fun of himself. My personal fav jab was that he "believes that all psychological problems can be cured with Vicks VapoRub." As much as I wanna give Tommy Boy the benefit of the doubt, I think the only things he does whole-heartedly these days are control his wife and prepare for the afterlife on planet Xenu.

Dec 4, 2008

Don't hate me, but...

I'm ready for Taylor Swift to go away. Her songs are cute, but hosting the Grammy nomination ceremony? And honey, we're on your side when it comes to the whole Joe Jonas situation, but I can't go globally bitching to anyone with ears when I get MY heart broken, so why should you? Just saying.

Dec 1, 2008

Britney does Glamour

...and does it well! Did anyone else watch her special on MTV last night? I thought it was interesting overall, although it got a little slow towards the end, and watching her cry on camera was quite sad. No one really knows what's going on in that head of hers, but at least the outside of her looks fantastic!