Jul 31, 2007

If only I could be so easily amused

I'm not sure what is more funny about this pic of George Clooney helping design a new Omega watch- that silly look on his face or the fact that he feels the need to wear a lab coat while poking around at watch parts. Whatever...it's natural that George be so into them, seeing as how he is an ambassador for the company (watch companies need ambassadors? I thought only countries did...I'm lost) and has a line of their watches named after him. Just don't go full-out geek on us, k George?

Jul 23, 2007

Kate Beckinsale's daughter has good taste in literature

At least the kid isn't too spoiled and sheltered to appreciate the value of a great book. Lily and her mom (Kate) were spotted with Harry Potter in hand in Santa Monica this weekend. Did I mention I saw Kate in New York at a movie premiere? Freakishly beautiful... I'm still wondering if it was actually a wax figure.

I bet these aren't airbrushed at all

Isn't Jane magazine going to be dead after this issue? That's what I heard...but somehow they got tons of sexy (and not so sexy?) female celebs, Like Eva here, to pose in the buff for "charity". You're making us all hate our bodies for the children? Sorry, that's a cause I don't want to invest in.

Jul 16, 2007

The best worst-dressed celebrity ever

Is it just me, or can Sienna Miller just roll out of bed, grab three or four random items of clothing from her closet while blindfolded and end up looking completely amazing? Seriously, she can pair a $3,000 couture dress with some strappy ten dollar sandals from a thrift store and make it look totally cool. I do with what I can at Forever 21. So not fair!

Just because I can...

Aaaawww! Isn't Violet Affleck the cutest little punkin you've ever seen? Jen and her mini-me were spotted out last week looking oh so adorable- mommy included! Something tells me that Violet is one celebrity spawn I wouldn't have a problem with riding on her momma's coattails!

Jul 12, 2007

Reason no. 527 why I love Sarah Jessica Parker

SJP is looking forty-something and fabulous in the August edition of Elle magazine, which thank God, I have a subscription to! You know I'll be taking my scissors to this baby and plastering more pics of the goddess that is Parker all over my wall... and did I mention how freaking excited I am for the Sex and the City movie?! AAAAHHH!!!!!!

Jul 9, 2007

I'm gonna pretend they are still BFFs

Apparently not all is well in Spice World (*tear). Word on the street is that the girls will be bringing along a sixth spice on their world tour-- their therapist. The shrink will be on hand just in case any of the spicy ones' egos get a little too large for their private jet. What ever happened to girl power? Can't they handle their differences themselves? You are making me sad, my spicy bitches.

Britney Spears smiles without sneering

Ok, so I know I've been hard on the Britster lately (who hasn't), but I have to see it's great to say her smiling in these photos taken with her sons over the weekend. JJ looks so adorable, and look how big Sean P. is getting! It's sometimes easy to forget that Miss Brit was once considered one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, but seeing her smile like this reminds me why. Keep smiling, Britney!

Jul 5, 2007

Someone get this idiot an editor

Britney has made yet another brilliant decision, this time trying to explain to us what went down the night she went psycho with an umbrella all over the paparazzos' car. She wasn't in a drunken rage, she was just preparing for a new "roll" in a movie. Unfortunately we will never see proof of this as she didn't get the part. Yeah right.

Harry Potter and the Order of the DayGlow Pink Lipstick

Ah, those British sure are entertaining dressers. Not only was Helena Bonham Carter sporting her best homeless chic look at the premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix in London earlier this week, but she and little miss Emma "do you know who I am?" Watson seem to have swapped the same tube of 1985 cheap pastel lipstick just before the photogs started snapping their pictures on the red carpet. Wonder where I can get my own tube?

Jul 2, 2007

Britney holds/is a bitch

Apparently Britney is so pleased with her outstanding parenting skills that she considered having another baby this weekend- this teeny tiny little chihuahua she test drove but did not leave with. As for her own mom, Brit Brit had this to say: "I am praying for her right now, and I hope she gets the help she needs." Well that's cute, Britney. Make her sound like the basketcase. I think they should both go to therapy together.

Jul 1, 2007

William and Harry pay tribute to their mom

On what would have been her 46th birthday, acts such as Joss Stone and Take That (who knew they were even around anymore?!) came together today to pay tribute to Princess Diana at the new Wembley Statium in England. Of course, William and Harry were in attendance looking handsome, put together, friendly and refined. All I have to say is could those boys have grown up to be any more awesome?! They are so classy and good-looking. Diana is probably so proud of them!